

  • HCC Diwali Dinner
  • LOKA (London Ontario Kannada Association)
  • HSA Diwali
  • HCC Summer Fundraising
  • Arangetram July 2023
  • LOTS (London Ontario Telugu Samithi) Sankranti Celebrations


  • Virtual Dance Workshops and Dance Classes
  • Hindu Cultural Centre (HCC) – Virtual Spring Fundraising Event and Diwali Event


  • London Beats Show
  • India Beats Show
  • London Board of Education Show
  • HCC Diwali Show
  • May 4 Arangetram
  • August 17 Arangetram
  • Loma Mega Talent Show
  • HCC Fund Raising Show


  • Multicultural show – St. Thomas Aquinas School
  • Huron County Multicultural Festival – Goderich
  • Lord Nelson School Show
  • Arangetram – Montcolm Secondary School
  • City Culture Day – London
  • Hindu Cultural Centre Diwali Festival
  • Ekal charity program
  • Shristi diwali show
  • Arangetram – Grand Theatre
  • Diwali show – Western University


  • International Women’s Day – London, Ontario
  • 25th Dance School Anniversary Celebration – Dance Recital
  • Flux London Community Dance Festival
  • City Culture Day


  • India Health Initiative
  • Culture Day – London
  • Canadian Cancer Fundraising
  • Ekalaya Show
  • Biomedical Engineering Annual Dinner, Western University
  • Hindu Student Association HSA
  • Kensington Nursing Home Performance
  • Kings College Culture Show
  • Canadian Cancer Society Fundraiser
  • Arts Project – London Culture Day
  • Hindu Cultural Centre (HCC) Diwali
  • St. Ann’s School Culture Day
  • STA School Culture Day
  • Marconi Club Multicultural Show
  • Sivananda Yoga Center
  • Montreal  Massacre Memorial Dance Event, Brescia University College, Western University
  • Cherryhill Library Culture Day
  • May 12th, Arangetram Natyaraji School of Dance
  • South Asian Showcase
  • Diwali HCC
  • Diwali Dhamaka Srishti Group
  • September Arangetram


  • Cherry Hill Library Show
  • May 12th Arangetram
  • South Asian Show Case
  • Diwali (HCC)
  • Diwali Dhamaka
  • Diwali (HSA)
  • Annual Dinner – UWO Biomedical Engineering
  • Heritage Week – London Board of Education
  • Dance Workshops – UWO


  • India Health Initiative (IHI)
  • Japan Earth Quick Fundraising Relief
  • London Board of Education – Education Week
  • September 18th Arangetram
  • London Arts Council – Museum of London
  • London Public Library – Culture Day
  • Delegates Diner – Kalamanjari
  • Diwali Show – HCC
  • Diwali Show – HSA
  • Western Fair
  • Bahai Social Get Together
  • Nanotechnology Conference UWO – Physics Department


  • Incredible India – Children’s Museum – 2010
  • Dances of India – Kalamanjari  – Strathroy Community Centre
  • Diwali Show – HCC
  • Dance Workshop – Banting Secondary School
  • Yoga Workshop – Association of Indian Women in Canada (AWIC)
  • India Canada Association of London (ICAL) 25th Anniversary
  • Incredible India – Western Fair
  • Oakridge Wellness Centre Open House
  • Westminster Public School Dance Show


  • India Health Initiative (IHI)
  • India Day – Children’s Museum – 2009
  • Dances of India – Seminar at UWO
  • Dances of India – Chelsea Park Senior Centre
  • Spring Show – ICAL
  • Diwali Show – HCC


  • Stratford Middle Eastern Dance Gala
  • Kumon Math Centre Talent Show
  • India Health Initiative
  • Spring ICAL
  • Diwali – HCC
  • Arangetram – Cathy Heighway
  • 20th Anniversary of School Recital
  • ICAL
  • Guest Lecture – Music Department UWO
  • Arangetram – Avni Pardasani, Rucha Khandekhar and Kavitha Kothari
  • Montessori School
  • International  Women Organization – Multicultural Show
  • Montessori House of Children


  • Multicultural Show – Mathews Hall
  • Montessori School of Children
  • Tsunami Relief Concert
  • St. Jude Catholic School – Ingersoll
  • Evening of Hope – Tsunami Fundraising – Hindu Cultural Centre Youth Group
  • Light of Ray – Sri Lanka Tsunami Fundraising
  • Workshop in Sacred Dance
  • Baha’i Festival
  • India Festival – Kalamanjari
  • Book Launch “For Ever Your Servant” by Christie Corlett
  • Arts Project Diversity Show
  • Buddha Meditation Group
  • Kings College Multicultural Show
  • Telugu Association – Metro Toronto
  • Hindu Student Association
  • Onam Festival – Kerala Association
  • Dance Workshop – Stratford


  • Heritage Day – Wilfrid Jury Public School
  • Children Aid Society
  • Tribal Gypsy Hafla – Ukrainian Centre
  • Music Fundraising Show – Kensell Park School
  • Arangetram – Nehe Khandekhar and Pamela Joseph
  • Diwali – Hindu Student Association (HSA)
  • Diwali – Shivashakti Mandir
  • India Club – Ivey School of Business


  • Onam Festival Kerala Samaj Association
  • Diwali Festival – Shivashakti Mandir
  • Diwali Festival – India Canada Association of London (ICAL)
  • Diwali Function – Hindu Student Association (HSA)
  • Diwali Function – Hindu Cultural Centre (HCC)
  • Night On The Town – Theatrical Extravaganza – Northwest London Resource Centre
  • Celebration Of Diversity – Brescia College UWO
  • Festival Of India – Market Place (Downtown London)
  • Dance Recital


Hindu Cultural Center, Spring Festival, International London Children’s  Festival, Multicultural Show At Beal Secondary School, Heritage Week, Thames Valley School Board, Music Of The World, Music Western, Bahai New Year Celebration, Abundance Workshop, Sacred Dance In London, ICAL (Indian Cultural Association London), Kerala Association, World Youth Day-Days in the Diocesse


L’ARCHE London Fall Fundraiser, Music Western (UWO) Friday Noon Canada Summer Games, Center For Chemical Physics (UWO), Racial Elimination Day, Heritage Day , London Board Of Education, featured in London Free Press for games and London weekend highlights for Friday noon,  Metropolitan Church Seminar


Natya Raji School Arangetram (graduation) featured in Roger’s television, India Within Dance Drama  At The Forest City featured in new Pl, London Multicultural School Show, Mount Hope Centre for long term care multicultural festival


Unitarian Fellowship Of London, World Red Cross Day, Hindu Cultural Centre(HCC) Diwali Festival featured in News now, Natya Raji Dance Recital, India week magazine featured articles in India week magazine


A Celebration Of India 50 Years Of Independence For UWO, HCC and India Cultural Association Of London(ICAL), Kerala Samaj London featured in BBC Radio interview in Cardiff, Wales, UK


Pakistan Canada Association London, Friday Noon Music Western, Natya Raji School Arangetram, One World Show Cross-cultural of London featured Nataraja Nritya Niketan Dance school magazine, Sri Sathya Sai Organization of Canada Eastern Retreat Balavikas


Charity Performance Educational Organization For Orphan And Handicapped Children Windsor, Indo Canadian Association Windsor; Montcalm School Heritage week, School shows, Red Cross, Hutton House, Montessori House of Children, Indo Canadian Association Windsor, Cross-Cultural One World Show


Performances University Of Ottawa and Carleton, Yoga Center, Sexual Assault Center, Multicultural Events Toronto Telugu Association, Fundraiser For Telugu Magazine, Telugu Association North America(TANA), Music Western Friday Noon, Cross-Cultural Arts Dialogue, Dance articles featured in Telugu Talli Magazine, Jagriti Magazine and TANA Magazine, Workshops and Dances Of India Classes, Dance Western, Judge Western Indo Canadian Students Association Show(WICSA), London New Arts Festival


Performed In Multicultural Events at Giessen, Hungen, Lahnstein, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, featured in the Lahnau(Wetzlar) newspaper in Germany


Performed at The International Festivals at Emory University, Georgia Institute Of Technology, Telugu Association Of Atlanta, Voice Of India Festival with Sri Sri, the great Telugu poet.


University Of Regina, the Mosaic Festivals In Regina and Saskatoon, Fund-raising for Cyclone relief, Andhra Pradesh India, featured on television in Regina and in National Geographic.